Tips for Mailing Your Wedding Invitations

Ensuring a Smooth Journey to Your Guests

Image by Grace Torres

Mailing your wedding invitations is an essential step in the journey towards your big day and in setting the tone for your wedding! While it feels like it should be one of the simpler steps in the process, there are a few important things to remember.

To ensure your invitations reach your guests in style, I have put together some valuable tips and tricks to guide you through the mailing process!

1. Start Early and Plan Ahead

Allow yourself ample time to prepare and send the invitations. Begin the process at least eight to ten weeks before your wedding date. This time frame ensures your guests have enough time to RSVP and make necessary accommodations, especially if your wedding is a destination event.

2. Number Your Response Cards

It is shocking how many people forget to include their name when RSVPing! Number your guests in a spreadsheet or printed list and include the corresponding number on the back of the response card. This way if they forget, you are still able to tell who is responding.

3. Weigh an Invitation Suite

Take a completely assembled invitation to the post office you will be mailing all of your invitations from so they can weigh. Most invitations are at least two ounces which exceeds a standard first class stamp. Having one invitation weighed all will ensure that you have the proper postage prior to mailing . This may feel like an unnecessary step but will keep your invitations from being returned for insufficient postage.

4. Stamp and Seal

Place your stamps on the envelopes before assembling and sealing. Remember to place a stamp on your response envelope!

Once assembled, dampen the envelope adhesive with a cotton swab or paint brush instead of licking each envelope. This makes it easier to cover the entire adhesive strip on the envelope. If your invitations are double thick or your envelope adhesive isn't working as it should, place your invitations under a heavy book or paperweight after dampening and sticking the adhesive.

5. Request Hand Cancelling

Hand-canceling will keep your gorgeous invitations from being damaged by the sorting machine. Rather than running your invitations through a sorting machine, you can request this service at the post office. They will use a special ink stamp to cancel your stamp (instead of those thick wavy lines) and then sort it by hand. Try to go when they are slower and know there is a charge for this.

Best Wishes!

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